Sunday 1 January 2012

New Years Day, babies and baileys.

Blake is the most adorable baby I know. And, the one baby I can quite possibly tolerate. He is 7 months old tomorrow, and oh wow he is just a big ball of cuteness, and I want to keep him, forever. Like seriously! Me. Rebekah, the girl who doesn't do babies, or kids in general! Bless.

Today, has been lovely though. New Years Day dinner and cake, and coffee and baileys, and laughter and jokes...and you know, I actually enjoyed it thoroughly. I ate my dinner. I had pudding. I had baileys. It was fantastic. I guess, Blake was a massive positive distraction for me. CUTIE.
BUT. that being said, I definitely do not want any kiddies!!

But yes, fab day.
And, now I'm home, filing my nails, then going to change the colour of my nails, possibly
midnight purple or pink.. and then paint my toes. Another hairmask on as well I think too.
Watch more 'It's all about Amy', and drink copious cups of tea... lovely.

The first day of 2012 has been fabulous. Loved it.
And, it's only 6.10pm, but still.

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