Tuesday, 5 February 2013

I'm back... with a tag.

3 months without a blog post, so here I am jumping on the bandwagon with the facts about me tag...

1. I'm addicted to all things caffeine. Hence my blog name.
2. I don't sleep. I can go days without and survive on 3-4 hours. I've been like this since I was doing my GCSEs where I used to stay up revising,  all night...
3. I've been a vegetarian for 5 years.
4. I can't leave the house unless my brows are filled in.
5. Music is very important to me. Hip-Hop/Rap/House/Dubstep/Pop Punk/etcetc. You get the idea!
6. I hate soaps. The tv shows.
7. But, I love American tv shows such as new girl, pretty little liars, vampire diaries, etc.
8. When I moved schools at 8 years old, on the first day I put on an American accent and said I'd moved from Los Angeles. Of course, they asked my Mum at the end of the day. I have just always loved all things USA.
9. I don't like taking advice from anybody mainly because I like to figure things out for myself.
10. I have 5 brothers. 2 from my Mum and 3 from my Dad. I'm the eldest!
11. My ultimate dream is to live in NYC or London.
12. My fave food is veggie stir fry.
13. I'm a Gemini and will be turning 20 at the end of May!
14. My Nana and Grandad were still in their 30s when I was born.
15. I miss my Grandad more each day. Three years yet feels like yesterday.  He was more like my Dad x
16. My first concert was seeing Steps when I was about 8!
17. When I was really young I used to blame everything on the cat, for example; cutting half my hair off aged 5 and drawing all over myself in felt tip pens straight after a bath.
18. I keep all my train tickets.
19. Me and Jordan have been best friends for nearly 9 years! Love her, both as crazy as eachother.
20. I've had an eating disorder since I was 13, going into hospital aged 17 for 8 months saved my life, after that I became a BEAT young ambassador where I gave talks in schools, and workshops.
21. Though, I'm not a young ambassador anymore,  after deciding I wanted to focus on other things.  I still support everything they do though. Truly amazing and I met such great friends!
22. I've always been called Pixie by my uncle.
23. I'm terrible with saving money.
24. I used to have my tongue pierced.
25. I could never imagine myself having children. Ever.

The past 3 months have been such a whirlwind full of changes and hectic ness. I've been wanting to blog, but just haven't been able to! I hope you're all good. And yeah,
I feel a bit strange putting out a personal facts post but I love this idea.
Expect to see more of me soon!
Much love


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